Atala Consulting

About Us


About Us

Rainer Schulz, Principal

Rainer Schulz has been serving  as Special Master and technical assistant  in technology and patent cases for the United States District Court for the Northern District of California. In addition, he has most recently been employed as Chief Operating and Chief Information Officer of a Biotechnology company (2000-2003). Prior to this (1999-2000), he was employed as Director, Technology Development at Network24 Communications, which was acquired by Akamai Technologies, Inc. He served from August 1995 until December 1997 as senior technical consultant to ONSALE, Inc, a company doing electronic commerce on the Internet. From 1983 until 1989, Mr. Schulz served as Vice President of Operations and Information Technology for Teknowledge, Inc., a developer of artificial intelligence software products. From 1973 until 1981, he served as Executive Vice President for Computer Curriculum Corporation, a developer of hardware and software products for computer assisted instruction (CAI). He managed the engineering, software, operations, manufacturing, and field service functions. From 1964 until 1979, he worked for IBM, Scientific Data System, NASA Ames and Stanford University in various technical staff and management positions. During this time he also did extensive consulting for Digital Equipment Corporation, NIH, the National Science Foundation and various other universities and companies.


Contact Information

To get more information, write to us or email us with some particulars about your needs.
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P.O. Box 370, Los Altos, CA 94023-0370
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Copyright © 2008 Schulz Consulting
Last modified: September 23, 2008